Reyes Media Group (RMG), La Grande 1340 am and Dos Mundos Newspaper team, along with Sun Fresh is planning to celebrate an upcoming holiday event while giving back to Kansas City area readers and listeners of the company’s radio programming.
In observance of Halloween (Oct. 31), RMG will host its annual Trunk or Treat from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 28 in the Sun Fresh Market parking lot at 241 S. 18th St. in Kansas City, Kansas. The event also is an opportunity for Sun Fresh to host a customer appreciation day.
“This is … a fun, fall, safe and free event for our community and all their families,” said Diana Reyes, RMG general manager.
The entertainment will include a clown, face painting, a character artist, bouncy houses (weather permitting), music, a parade of costumes and age-group costume contests.
“If you are looking for a fun, free event to participate (in) and dress up in costumes this Halloween season, look no more,” Reyes said. “We are honored to be celebrating our 12th annual Trunk or Treat event. We want to thank in advance our listenership, readership and partners for their continued support in letting us host this annual event. We look forward to seeing everyone in their costumes – store-bought or homemade costumes – this year.”
“Each year, the costumes keep getting better and better,” she added. “Our community is so clever and creative, and (we) love when they can share their creativity with the rest of their community.”
Sponsors of Trunk or Treat 2022 include Abogado Devkota, Highland Dairy, Hendrick Toyota, Cricket-MAS Wireless, Contigo Legal, Snowmen, the Mid-America Regional Council, Celebrate Dental, attorney Jessica Piedra, State Avenue Dental, Union Station Kansas City Inc., United Healthcare, Platinum Realty LLC and Payaso Pachiclon.
More sponsors are expected to be added.
Reyes Media organizará evento de Trunk or Treat
Reyes Media Group (RMG), La Grande 1340 am y el equipo de Dos Mundos, junto con Sun Fresh, están planeando celebrar un próximo evento mientras retribuyen a los lectores y oyentes del área de Kansas City.
En conmemoración de Halloween (31 de octubre), RMG organizará su evento Trunk or Treat anual de 4 a 7 p.m. el 28 de octubre en el estacionamiento de Sun Fresh Market en 241 S. 18th St. en Kansas City, Kansas. El evento también es una oportunidad para que Sun Fresh organice un día de agradecimiento al cliente.
“Este es… un evento divertido, de otoño, seguro y gratuito para nuestra comunidad y todas sus familias”, dijo Diana Reyes, gerente general de RMG.
El entretenimiento incluirá un payaso, pintura de caras, un artista de personajes, casas inflables (si el clima lo permite), música, desfile de disfraces y concursos de disfraces por edades.
“Si está buscando un evento divertido y gratuito para participar y disfrazarse en esta temporada de Halloween, no busque más”, dijo Reyes. “Nos sentimos honrados de celebrar nuestro 12º evento anual Trunk or Treat. Queremos agradecer de antemano a nuestros oyentes, lectores y socios por su continuo apoyo al permitirnos organizar este evento anual. Esperamos verlos a todos con sus disfraces, ya sean comprados en la tienda o hechos en casa, este año”.
“Cada año, los disfraces son cada vez mejores”, agregó. “Nuestra comunidad es tan inteligente y creativa, y (nos) encanta cuando pueden compartir su creatividad con el resto de su comunidad”.
Los patrocinadores del Trunk or Treat 2022 incluyen Abogado Devkota, Highland Dairy, Hendrick Toyota, Cricket-MAS Wireless, Contigo Legal, Snowmen, Mid-America Regional Council, Celebrate Dental, la abogada Jessica Piedra, State Avenue Dental, Union Station Kansas City Inc., United Healthcare, Platinum Realty LLC y Payaso Pachiclón. Se espera que se sumen más patrocinadores.