Congratulations Graduates
10 tips to save for College 1.Open a 529 College Savings Plan. Parents with a plan to save for college save 76 percent more than parents who are saving but don’t have a plan.* With a 529 Plan, the earnings in your account grow tax-deferred and qualified withdrawals are also tax-free…which means more money in […]
Teen suicide increases
CDC suggests connection between teen suicides and social media By Tere Siqueira Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data suggest a connection between social media usage and teen suicide. According to the federal agency, suicide rates for teens have risen as their social media usage has surged. Recently reported teen suicides have been linked to […]
Latest Coterie production is a fun, engaging family play
Commentary by Chara If you’re wanting an activity that’s challenging and fun for your children, then take them to see “Jack and the Bean Magico.” Running through May 20 at The Coterie Theater in Kansas City, Mo., the production is a magical bilingual play that will take your children on a trip into the classic […]
The origins of the Easter Bunny
By Chara Easter (observed on April 1 this year by non-Orthodox denominations) is typically considered a Christian holiday. But most of the festivities and symbols associated with the celebration come from pagan traditions, including one of its most iconic symbols – the Easter Bunny. According to tradition, the Easter Bunny delivers candy, toys and eggs […]
How to find the right affordable home
Buying a house is an investment. Commentary by Chara Besides being an investment of money, it’s an investment of time and effort – especially if you want to find an affordable house. Here are some tips that might help you find the right affordable place for you and your family: *Get a realtor: A realtor […]
Christmas traditions: A brief look
By Yanis De Palma Christmas is a religious and cultural celebration that incorporates Christian, ancient pagan and modern-era secular traditions into the festivities. Some of the most popular Christmas traditions include the following: *Santa Claus: Santa Claus is partly based on St. Nicholas, a Greek bishop who lived during the third and fourth centuries and […]
The cycle of domestic violence
Commentary by Carey Juez-Perez, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Abusive relationships often follow a pattern, known as the “cycle of domestic violence.” Although the cycle might look different in every relationship, three stages take place repeatedly in abusive relationships. The first stage is “tension building.” This begins when tempers flare and anger increases over domestic issues, […]
Hope House helping area residents escape domestic abuse
By Nick Moreno The horrors of domestic violence will affect one in three women during their lifetime, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Additionally 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner, and 19 percent of all domestic violence involves a weapon. Hope House exists to help those victims. Its […]
Jimenez shares story of surviving domestic violence
Interview by Tere Siqueira Dos Mundos supports October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. As a show of that support, the newspaper presents the following transcript of a recent interview with Natividad Jimenez, who shared her story of being a victim and survivor of domestic abuse: Dos Mundos: Tell us a little about how your relationship […]
How to improve communication with your significant other
Commentary by Melissa Arroyo You’ve probably been frustrated if you’ve ever asked your significant other to take out the trash or pick up the kids from school, only to end up doing the job yourself. How you communicate your frustration with your partner afterward is important. The way you express yourself could get your point […]