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Local protest against police brutality shows tentative calm

By Jesus Lopez-Gomez

The fires that burned in Ferguson, Mo., the past week following the shooting of 18-year-old seem to be finally dying down. The rage that seized the national mood seems to be have matured into a steady commitment to justice.

That was definitely the mood at the J.C. Nichols fountain Thursday night, which hosted hundreds of Kansas Citians protesting the police violence both led to Mike Brown’s death over the weekend and framed the St. Louis Police Department’s initial response to the ensuing demonstrations.

While a police contingent accompanied the event, the rally remained peaceful yet vocal. Kansas City’s vigil was one of dozens organized nationwide in response events from the other side of the state.

To the credit of the Missouri Highway Patrol, which was ordered to take over the crisis-stricken town Wednesday, the residents and journalists in Ferguson, Mo., have mostly stopped tweeting out disaster scenes that have defined the national conversation on the tragedy.

But as the finer details of the incident come forth – like that Brown was originally approached by police for allegedly interfering with traffic – the resolve that’s been built will be thoroughly tried. Look for full coverage in next week’s Dos Mundos.


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