Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Selena Gómez, confirma que ya vive con The Weeknd

Selena Gómez confirmó por primera vez que ella y su novio The Weeknd ya viven juntos. En una nueva entrevista para la revista Vogue, la cantante afirmó que ella y el cantante comparten todo, principalmente el armario, ya que ambos suelen tomarse prestadas una que otra prenda del otro, para combinar diferentes estilos. “A estas […]

Travel ban, third edition

Commentary by Dermidio Juez-Perez Many of you might not have heard much lately about President Trump’s attempt to impose travel bans. That doesn’t mean it has been eliminated. Nor does it mean it should be forgotten. The Trump administration has revealed new travel restrictions on certain nations. On Sunday (Sept. 24), the White House announced […]

Barreto Jr. inducted into VHHS Hall of Honor

Photos by Lisa Randolph and Manuel Reyes On Sept. 22, Kansas City area native and former U.S. Small Business Administration leader Hector V. Barreto Jr. was inducted into the Hall of Honor at Van Horn High School. Barreto – whose father, Hector Sr., helped establish and served as president of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of […]

Street Talk: Mexico City residents help one another after earthquake

By Tere Siqueira After the deadly Sept. 19 earthquake that shook part of Mexico, Mexico City residents didn’t wait for the government for help. They helped one another instead. Recently, Dos Mundos asked some Mexico City residents how they had helped their fellow citizens who were earthquake victims. Here are their answers: “The day after […]

The war of words between America and North Korea continues

Commentary by Dermidio Juez-Perez America’s relationship with North Korea continues to get worse. As proof, consider the latest war of words between the two countries. On Sept. 23, the Pentagon announced that military planes had flown off the coast of North Korea to send “clear message” to leader Kim Jong-un. On Sunday (Sept. 24), U.S. […]

Social media used to save lives following earthquake

By Tere Siqueira For the second time in about a month, social media has served as a life-saving tool following a large-scale disaster. Following the Sept. 19 earthquake in Mexico, the hashtags #Sismocdmx and #FuerzaMexico (“Stay Strong Mexico” in Spanish) were used to save hundreds of victims. In addition, victims who were trapped under rubble […]

Marta Sánchez, regreso a Miami

Después de disfrutar de una larga y provechosa temporada en España que se ha extendido durante la mayor parte del verano, la cantante Marta Sánchez ya está de vuelta en la ciudad en la que estableció su residencia hace algo más de tres años, Miami, poniendo fin así a los rumores que apuntaban a un […]

En la escuela de Jesus 09.28.17

Queridos hermanos PAZ y BIEN, son mis mejores deseos en estos últimos días del mes de septiembre y comienzo del mes de octubre siempre con cosas nuevas en estas tierras y en otras, por eso aunque no podamos hacer físicamente mucho por nuestros hermanos damnificados de MÉXICO o de las ISLAS como PUERTO RICO y […]

Opioid abuse increasing nationwide, statistics show

Commentary by Chara A health epidemic that has emerged within the past few years in the United States has started receiving more media attention lately: opioid abuse. Opioids are legally prescribed drugs used to treat moderate to severe pain. Doctors usually prescribe them to treat tooth pain, pain after a surgery, serious injuries or serious […]

María Marín: El cáncer me trajo bendiciones escondidas

En el mejor momento de mi vida, cuando mi carrera iba viento en popa y finalmente había encontrado el verdadero amor, fui diagnosticada con cáncer de mama en diciembre del 2016. Este golpe inesperado cambió mis días para siempre. Desde entonces he tenido que someterme a tres cirugías y, en una de ellas, me extirparon […]