Mazinger Z regresará con nueva película

Para celebrar el 45 aniversario de la serie japonesa, se lanzará la versión cinematográfica de este popular robot de los 80, creado por Go Nagai, Está confirmado que la esperada cinta de Mazinger Z llamada Infinity llegará a las salas cinematográficas el próximo 2 de marzo de 2018, anunció la distribuidora de películas Diamond Films. […]
Ricky Martin nueva temporada en Las Vegas

Ricky Martin regresará en 2018 a Las Vegas con 12 nuevas fechas de su espectáculo residente All In, han informado los representantes de artista a EFE. El cantante inauguró en abril pasado este espectáculo de 90 minutos en el Park Theater del hotel y casino Monte Carlo, lugar donde retomará su espectáculo a partir del […]
Termómetro KC – Noticias Locales

12/21/17 Un menor de 9 años resultó herido después de que su hermano le disparara con la pistola de su madre por accidente. El menor intentaba sacar la pistola de su madre cuando por accidente le disparó a su hermano. Autoridades han no deciden si culparán al menor con algún delito pues se siguen investigando […]
The Happiest Country in the World

By Jorge Ramos It’s always the same: Whenever I ask people which country is the happiest in the world, they say, “Mine,” then follow it up with a string of complaints and problems. But according to surveys, one of the world’s truly happiest countries is Denmark. It ranked No. 1 in 2016, and second this […]
Cold weather and the human body

Commentary by Chara Wintertime has arrived in the Kansas City area. That’s evident by the recent wave of cold weather, including snowfall over the Christmas weekend (Dec. 22-25). So it’s advisable to prepare yourself to deal with the cold weather you’ll likely experience over the next few months. One way to prepare yourself is by […]
Dr. Myriam Ensling: Tips on how to read and interpret food labels: Part 3

Cholesterol: Describes the amount of cholesterol that each portion has. Cholesterol is the one that builds the membranes of the cells of our body, especially the nervous system. The total amount of cholesterol that can be consumed in a day should not be above 300 mg. This is controversial because dietary cholesterol contains the production […]
Mexímetro – Noticias de México

12/21/17 Una mujer fue acribillada afuera de su casa en la colonia CDP de Chihuahua. Según versiones de los testigos, varios hombres armados llegaron al lugar y comenzaron a dispararle a la víctima hasta causarle la muerte. Al día de hoy, el paradero de los sospechosos y los motivos del asesinato siguen siendo investigados por […]
New year, new goals, new triumphs

Now that the gifts have all been delivered and opened, our attention naturally shifts to New Year’s celebrations and our ever-present, persistent desire for self-improvement. Nearly half of us make New Year’s resolutions, studies suggest. But despite the strength of our intentions, willpower, like muscle, has biological limitations. It’s one of several reasons why fewer […]
How the tax bill could affect you

Analysis by Tere Siqueira On Dec. 22, a Republican-supported tax bill became a federal law. The law is expected to be the most sweeping rewrite of the tax code in decades and have broad effects on the U.S. economy. Indeed, some of the ways the legislation could affect your after-tax income include the following: *Living […]
Remembering 2017: The year in news

Compiled by the Dos Mundos staff January Protests and road blockades emerged on Jan. 2 in Mexico after a “gasolinazo” – a Spanish term for a forceful hike in gas prices – kicked into effect for the new year. The hike marked a new government policy of deregulating the country’s previously nationalized oil industry, according […]