Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Archie, Tendrá versión real en Bollywood

Archie”, la famosa tira cómica de la década de los 40 que narra las historias de un grupo de adolescentes, liderado por un joven pecoso y pelirrojo, tendrá su versión “live action” que será producida por Bollywood. De acuerdo con The Hollywood Reporter, esta cinta contará con la coproducción de Graphic India, la cual lanzó […]

Even young kids can contribute to saving for college

Commentary by Eulogio JP College in the United States costs a fortune. Tuition has increased so much during the past few decades that most middle-class families can no longer afford to pay their kids’ college tuition, unless they started saving when their kids were toddlers or newborns. Fortunately, there are many creative ways to contribute […]

Termómetro KC, Noticias locales 03.15.18

03/08/18 Una persecución policiaca que tuvo lugar en el área Norte de Kansas City culminó cuando el conductor del vehículo impactó su auto con una casa ubica en North Oak Trafficway y Northcrest Dr., el hombre trató de escapar y meterse a la fuerza la casa pero no lo logró y la policía lo capturó. […]

Robots are putting human jobs at risk

Analysis by Tere Siqueira The field of robotics could potentially become the most disruptive technological change to human life since the Industrial Revolution. The reason for this is artificial intelligence. For now, artificial intelligence is designed to perform narrow tasks. But the long-term goal for many researchers is to create technology that will outperform humans […]

En la escuela de Jesús 03.15.18

Queridos lectores Dios está con nosotros y no podemos desanimarnos en el camino de la vida. Por eso quiero compartirles el  Decálogo de mortificaciones del Siglo XXI por Monseñor Munilla Obispo de san Sebastián, España,  para seguir mejorando en la vida personal y con los demás. 1. Mortificación de la curiosidad: La curiosidad lleva a la frivolidad, dejemos […]

Jorge Ramos: Mexicans From Here

We Mexicans from around here, the ones who live in the United States, didn’t leave our home country on a whim. We left Mexico because we had to. Some of us left for economic reasons, others because we were fleeing violence. All of us, however, were looking for new and better opportunities.  When I was […]

Calo, presenta dos canciones

Continuando con la promoción de su próxima producción discográfica completamente en vivo, Caló ha revelado dos nuevas canciones que podremos disfrutar en ‘Deja Vú’, disco que saldrá a la venta muy pronto. Los temas llevan por nombre ‘Fuego (Candela)’ y ‘El Planeta’, y fueron estrenados en su cuenta de VEVO logrando reunir hasta el momento […]

Latinos can be racist too

Commentary by Eulogio JP For some strange reason, members of the Latino community believe that Latinos are incapable of being racist. This odd idea is alive in the United States, where Latinos feel that they’re exempt from committing racist actions because they’re part of a minority group. Recently, for example, a video on YouTube showed a […]

Dra. Nancy Álarez: When to end a relationship?

We have been raised in a culture of soap operas in which being in love is the only enough reason to get married or live in free union with someone. The nonsense stuff they want to sell us! Always remember that FOR LOVE TO WORK, LOVING IS NOT ENOUGH. In fact, there are many compelling […]

Around The Globe: 03.16.18

Here are some of the recent stories that have made national and international headlines: *Turnover in Trump administration continues: Multiple news agencies reported that President Trump ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Tuesday (March 13). According to a list compiled by ABC News, Tillerson is among almost 30 high-ranking officials in Trump’s administration who’ve quit […]

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