Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Jennifer Aniston protagonizará película en Netflix

Jennifer Aniston protagonizará junto con Adam Sandler la comedia “Murder Mistery”, para Netflix. La cinta se centrará en un matrimonio estadounidense que se va de vacaciones a Europa, donde, por error, se convierten en los principales sospechosos del asesinato de un millonario. Aniston, recientemente separada del que fue su marido Justin Therox, está a punto […]

The Walking Dead llega a los cines por unica ocasion

Este 15 de abril, llegan juntas The Walking Dead y Fear the Walking Dead Survival dos de las más exitosas series de todos los tiempos, llegan para dar a sus fans un gran espectáculo, una noche épica. Por única ocasión las dos series serán trasmitidas en el cine. El capítulo final de la octava temporada […]

Vengadores: Infinity War

Llega a todo el universo el estreno más esperado de todos los ctiempos, Un nuevo peligro acecha procedente de las sombras del cosmos. Thanos, el infame tirano intergaláctico, tiene como objetivo reunir las seis Gemas del Infinito, artefactos de poder inimaginable, y usarlas para imponer su perversa voluntad a toda la existencia. Los Vengadores y […]

Wonderful World: Discover Honolulu

By Tom Sawyer Welcome, tourists! In this issue, we’ll examine a paradisiacal place that belongs to our country. It’s the birthplace of former President Obama and the capital of America’s youngest state. I’m talking about Honolulu. In addition to being the capital of Hawaii, it’s Hawaii’s largest locality and belongs to Oahu – one of […]


Important and fascinating information about graduation It is estimated that this year three million young Americans will obtain their high school diploma. If you are among them, congratulations! If you are not sure about what to do after graduating, you should get advice from your parents, teachers, and counselors. Spend time with people who work […]

Dave says

Dear Dave, How do you sell a vehicle with a lien amount that’s higher than the actual value of the car? Michael Dear Michael, First, you need to find a way to cover the difference between the amount of the lien and what you can get for the car. Let’s say the car is worth […]

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using the IRS Withholding Calculator

The IRS encourages everyone to use the Withholding Calculator to perform a quick “paycheck checkup.” This is even more important this year because of recent tax law changes. Results from the calculator will include a recommendation of whether or not users should consider submitting a new Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate, to their employers. […]

Living the Way of the Cross in the Parish of all the Saints

Strory by Hector Perez and Photos By Michael Alvarado On Friday, March 30 at 3 p.m., the Way of the Cross was held at All Saints Parish located at 811 Vermont Ave. in Kansas City, Kansas. Attendees enjoyed a representation of the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Dos Mundos was present at […]

JaCo prosecutor heeds victims’ voices

On the Missouri side of the metro, crime victims have a determined champion. Since taking office in 2011, Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker has worked hard and inventively to help victims of crime and address the violence besieging neighborhoods. Over the past month, the dogged prosecutor revealed her latest smart new initiatives. Last week, […]

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