Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies

By Chara On Sept. 18, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at her home in Washington, D.C., from complications of metastatic cancer of the pancreas. She was 87 years old. “Our nation has lost a justice of historic stature,” Chief Justice John Roberts said in a statement. “We at the Supreme Court have […]
Sí hay que investigar a los expresidentes

By Jorge Ramos México es un país que siempre ha estado intranquilo con su pasado. Ha dejado muchas heridas históricas abiertas sin resolver. Por eso es válido, legítimo y necesario investigar nuestra historia reciente y, con ello, a los expresidentes mexicanos. No se nos pueden olvidar los fraudes, los abusos de poder, las posibles violaciones […]
Hablando con Jessica Piedra: You are not stuck with your lawyer!

Hello friends, your legal process for immigration is one of the most important things in your life. Be sure to chose a lawyer that you can trust and who responds to your questions. Lawyers have a lot of rules so that the clients are protected. One of those rules is that the client can change […]
Season of civic spirit

As Hispanic citizens of this great country, it’s a privilege and incumbent upon us right now to channel our positive energies into assertive civic participation. This season presents unique opportunities. The 2020 Census deadline is fast approaching, and there’s a worrying shortage of poll workers for this year’s election cycle. It’s vital to each of […]