Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

First Federal hosts Cinco de Mayo open house

By Angie Baldelomar On May 5, First Federal Bank of Kansas City hosted an open house to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.In partnership with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City and the Kansas City, Kansas, Chamber of Commerce, First Federal hosted the event at its location at 711 Minnesota Ave. to share with […]

Announcements About COVID-19 from the Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD)

The Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) is alerting the public to two key announcements regarding COVID-19 in the United States:*First, the Federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency declaration will expire at the end of the day on May 11th.*Second, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced new, simplified recommendations about COVID vaccines […]

Jorge Ramos: Fui a ver a Taylor Swift…

Y me encantó. (“Enchanted to meet you”, dice una de sus canciones.) No suelo escribir sobre esto. Pero no hay nada comparable a ver a una de las mejores artistas del planeta en lo más alto de su carrera.Ahora que el mundo anda muy revuelto – con una guerra en Ucrania que se nos puede […]

Editorial: Mothers, bless ‘em

The stories of Tomasa Quintanilla, Celina Báez, Doña Donaciana Corral de Larrazolo and Rosanne Deardorff illustrate how motherhood charmed history.Tomasa bore five children and raised them during the Great Depression. The eldest, Lauro Jr. went on to serve as U.S. Education Secretary, the first Hispanic to hold a cabinet post. He was an author and […]

Frontier gears up for return of Multicultural Festival

By Tere SiqueiraThe Frontier School of Innovation is set to revive its annual Multicultural Festival.Scheduled for 11 a.m.-3 p.m. May 20 at Frontier’s elementary and middle school campuses, the festival returns after a two-year break because of the COVID pandemic. This will be the seventh edition of the event.The festival is an open invitation to […]

Area mother finds motherhood ‘so beautiful and so rewarding’

By Angie BaldelomarFor area resident Maria Acosta, being a mother is the greatest gift.“(Motherhood) is something so beautiful and so rewarding,” she said.In honor of Mother’s Day, observed on May 14 this year, Acosta is sharing her experience with motherhood. Born in Chihuahua, Mexico, Acosta has been a Kansas City, Missouri, resident for two decades. […]

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