Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Wonderful World: Grand Canyon

Welcome, tourists. In this edition of “Hanging Around the World,” I’ll examine an amazing place in this country: The Grand Canyon, also known as the Grand Canyon of Colorado. Surely, you’ve seen the Grand Canyon countless times in fictional movies, and in movie and TV documentaries. Pictures of it appear on many postcards. But do […]

Andrés García, Se divorcia por infidelidad

Andrés García confirmó que se está divorciando de su esposa Margarita, debido a una infidelidad. A sus 76 años, el actor de origen dominicano, confesó que se separa porque le fue infiel a ella. En entrevista al programa Hoy, Andrés se defendió diciendo que nunca le prometió a su pareja serle siempre fiel, aunque se […]

Money Tips: Give your retirement a boost

About every working person in the Unites States dreams of retiring one day. But many Americans don’t realize that saving for retirement is a long-term game that requires patience, persistence and planning. Here’s a planning tip for beginners: If you have an employer-sponsored 401k program, make sure you’re at least contributing enough to receive the […]

Niurka Se lanza de youtube

La actriz y vedette cubana Niurka Marcos está debutando como Youtuber con su nuevo canal Mama Niu, El lunes 5 publicó su primer video en la plataforma. A través de su Instagram, la artista invitó a sus seguidores a apoyarla en ese nuevo proyecto, y les preguntó que les gustaría ver en su canal. Muchos […]

How to cancel your PMI

Commentary by Eulogio JP Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is expensive. But did you know it can removed? If you bought your home with your home with a 20-percent down payment, your lender would’ve required you to buy mortgage insurance. But if you have at least 20 percent equity in your home, your lender can cancel […]

Jorge Ramos : Peña Nieto’s Terrible Arithmetic

Below is an annual breakdown of the number of people killed in Mexico during President Enrique Peña Nieto’s six-year tenure. This terrible arithmetic is a testament to his administration’s ineptitude. Peña Nieto may be one of the most unskilled presidents Mexico has ever had. From December 2012, when Peña Nieto took office, to December 2017, […]

Mexímetro: Noticias de México

02/01/18 Más de 70 casas se cayeron en Baja California Norte. Reportes de medios indicaron que las casas se colapsaron a causa de grietas y varios deslaves que habían ocurrido en la zona de la Colonia Lomas de Rubí. Aunque a las personas ya se les había advertido que tendrían que abandonar sus casas pues […]

Dangerous online videos show importance of parental monitoring

Commentary by Carey Juez-Perez, Licensed Professional Social Worker A few news reports show the need for parents to be more involved in their children’s online viewing habits. More than 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Unfortunately, some of them are inappropriate, even disturbing – especially for young people. Recently, for example, […]

Cepillin: Le rinden homenaje

La Lotería Nacional presentó la tarde de ayer un billete conmemorativo con la imagen del “Payasito de la Tele”, Cepillín, este billete saldrá a la venta el próximo 4 de febrero. La ceremonia se llevó a cabo en la sede de la Lotería Nacional, ante seguidores, su esposa e hijos, así como medios de comunicación. […]

Editorial: Dead children

Nine-year-old Dominic Young Jr. skated and played video games for the last time Saturday afternoon, Jan. 20. Hours later, he was dead — not from a terminal disease or deadly traffic accident, but at the hands of ruthless, reckless strangers. The Grandview third grader was fatally shot on his way home from a day of […]