Honoring and recognizing Manuel Reyes

Photos By Michael Alvarado On Thursday, March 22, 2018 a resolution was presented in honoring and recognizing Manuel Reyes for his many contributions to Kansas City, its Latino community, and community journalism. The resolution was presented by Mayor Sylvester James Jr. and given to his family, wife Clara, daughter Diana and son Edward Reyes, as […]
Kika Edgar, se casó

El pasado fin de semana Kika Edgar contrajo matrimonio con Jorge Corrales, tecladista de ‘Playa Limbo’, en una ceremonia muy privada. La cantante y actriz escogió para celebrar su enlace matrimonal la hermosa ex hacienda de San Agustín, en Puebla, donde se realizó la ceremonia civil y la fiesta, a la que acudieron familiares, amigos […]
WWICC Receives $7 million in Omnibus Spending Bill for FY2018

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II is proud to announce the approval of $7 million in funding for the U.S. World War I Centennial Commission (WWICC). The funding is included in the Fiscal Year 2018 omnibus funding bill, passed by the U.S. House of Representatives today. Along with the funding, the bill allows other federal agencies to contribute […]
En la escuela de Jesús 03.29.18

Querida familia DOS MUNDOS, un saludo especial en este TRIDUO PASCUAL, Dios siga fortaleciendo su FE cada día y que estos días Santos nos ayuden a estar más con nuestro Señor Jesucristo y por su puesto en familia, con mucho amor y paz. En la noche de la Vigilia Pascual se enciende un CIRIO al […]
Be wise when getting your wisdom teeth pulled

Many people think they should get their third molars – a.k.a., “wisdom teeth” – pulled. Not necessarily. If your wisdom teeth aren’t causing problems, you can leave them alone. However, if you have one that has come in through the gum only partially or is impacted because there isn’t space for it to erupt, then […]
Schlitterbahn executive charged in connection with 10-year-old’s death

Tyler Austin Miles, former director of operations at Schlitterbahn Water Park, was recently charged in connection with the death of 10-year-old Caleb Schwab in 2016 on one of the Kansas City, Kan., park’s water slides. “A grand jury indicted the Schlitterbahn corporation and Miles with involuntary manslaughter, aggravated endangering (of) a child, aggravated battery and […]
March for Our Lives becomes a global movement

On March 24, more than 800,000 people united in Washington, D.C., to protest America’s gun-control laws. The nation’s capital wasn’t the only place where people protested. Sparked by the Feb. 14 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., March for Our Lives was speculated to be among the largest single-day protests […]
Maria Raquel Piedra celebrated her XV years

Maria Raquel Piedra celebrated her Quinceanera with her parents, Jessica and Hector Piedra. Her brother, Jahleel Allen also was present with them along with friends and family. The party was held at the Twenty-16 Main Event Space in Downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Raquel attends Lincoln College Preparatory Academy. María Raquel Piedra celebró sus Quinceaños María […]
Fey, “Comiéndome Tus Besos”

A través de su cuenta oficial de Instagram, la cantante Fey dio la noticia de un nuevo material En el texto, el cual acompaña a la imagen de Fey en sus redes sociales, da gracias a sus fans por seguirla durante 23 años. Asimismo, aseguró que su historia seguirá llena de música. La artista anunció […]
Mexímetro 03.28.18

03/22/18 El cuerpo de un hombre fue encontrado en una casa ubicada en la Colonia Los Llanos de Chihuahua. El hombre que ya fue identificado fue asesinado con un machete y se cree que uno de sus amigos es responsable del asesinato. Al día de hoy se siguen investigando los hechos y el paradero del […]