U.S. reportedly open to a “skinny” NAFTA deal

By Chara The United States is open to renegotiating a “skinny” deal with Mexico and Canada on NAFTA, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin recently stated. U.S. President Donald Trump has said the U.S. government wants something that benefits U.S. citizens. All the negotiation points haven’t been publicly disclosed. However, Mnuchin told the press that some […]
Texas town the site of latest mass school shooting

By Tere Siqueira A small Texas town is attempting to recover from the latest mass school shooting in the United States. On May 18, Dimitiros Pagoutzis, 17, allegedly opened fire at Santa Fe High School. Multiple news sources reported that 10 people (eight students, two teachers) were killed, with 11 more people injured. Listed by […]
Termómetro KC : 05.25.18

05/17/18 Un choque entre dos vehículos dejó una persona muerta y otra arrestada. El conductor de uno de los autos manejaba en estado de ebriedad cuando ocurrió el incidente. El culpable se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio imprudencial y manejar intoxicado y se enfrentará a un juicio en los próximos días. 05/17/18 Un hombre de […]
Street Talk: Mexico’s second presidential debate

By Yanis De Palma On Sunday night (May 20), the second presidential debate for Mexico’s July elections took place in Mexico City. To get a sense of the mood in Mexico, Dos Mundos asked some Mexicans for their thoughts about the debate and the candidates. Here are their answers: “The candidates only attacked each other. […]
Volume 38 issue 21 • 05/24/2018 – 05/30/2018

In this issue Every Chilean bishop to resign because of sex abuse scandal Volcano eruption causing pollution, destruction on island Trump has gone viral again Massive shooting in Texas
En la escuela de Jesús 05.24.18

Queridos lectores Dios los siga bendiciendo y acompañando en sus tareas diarias, hemos iniciado un nuevo TIEMPO LITÚRGICO, el tiempo ordinario con ornamento verde y no olviden que estamos en el ciclo B, para leer, meditar, conocer y vivir la Palabra de Dios con el Evangelio de San Marcos. Esta vez quiero compartirles una invitación […]
Jorge Ramos: A Strong Mexico to Stand Up to Trump

It was the great betrayal. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto betrayed millions of his countrymen when he didn’t demand that President Donald Trump apologize for likening Mexican immigrants to criminals and rapists when Trump launched his presidential campaign, nor did he dare tell Trump during a humiliating 2016 news conference in Mexico City that Mexico […]
Eric Berry Returns, Shares Interesting Comparison on Chiefs’ Defensive Attitude

He’s back (RSS generated with FetchRss)[#item_description]Read More
A Family Who Credits Kansas City with Saving Their Son’s Life Visits Arrowhead

Ten-year-old Alex Goodwin, who traveled from a continent away to beat a death sentence, visited Arrowhead Stadium on Thursday (RSS generated with FetchRss)[#item_description]Read More