Galletas navideñas de mantequilla
Ya casi llega Navidad. Y qué mejor forma de celebrarlo que con algo dulce. Estas galletas navideñas de mantequilla son ideales para preparar con los peques o para sorprender a tus seres queridos con un regalo hecho por ti. Utensilios necesarios para hacer las galletas navideñas•Amasadora o batidor de varillas eléctrico•Cortapastas de formas navideñas•Papel de […]
María Marín: Cómo bajar el estrés de la Navidad 2021
Por María Marín La temporada navideña siempre ha traído estrés, pero este año parece ser más abrumadora. Y es que, con la crisis mundial de transporte marítimo, la escasez de artículos y el aumento en precios, encontrar regalos perfectos, decoraciones e ingredientes para recetas festivas es “misión imposible” para muchos. Y quienes viajan a otros […]
Deportes y más deportes….
By Chara Atlas rompe maldición en Liga MXAtlas tuvo que esperar 70 años para poder levantar su segundo trofeo de Liga MX.El conjunto rojinegro ganó su primer título en 1951 cuando se jugaba la liga con 12 equipos.En aquel entonces, Atlas sufrió hasta el final y se impuso a Atlante y Necaxa quienes se quedaron […]
University Health partnered with TACC and Westside CAN Center to provide Covid-19 Moderna booster vaccine to seniors of the Westside.
On Wednesday December 8th from 9 am to 12 noon, University Health (formerly Truman Medical Center) partnered with Tony Aguirre CC and Westside CAN center to provide Covid-19 Moderna booster vaccine to seniors of the Westside.“We are so grateful with Tony Aguirre Community Center that continues supporting these clinic days in the Westside and also […]
How to stay healthy during the holidays
Commentary by chara Thankfully, after being separated for a long time because of the COVID pandemic, many families are celebrating the holidays together again.If you are gathering with your loved ones this holiday season, it is important to stay healthy and take some precautions. Here are a few tips to help you to do so: […]
Jorge Ramos : Las lecciones del futbolito de los sábados después de la pandemia
By Jorge Ramos Al principio no sabíamos ni cómo saludarnos. ¿De lejitos, de mano, con el codo? ¿Con la mascarilla puesta o sin ella? Para mis amigos argentinos, que en el mundo previo a la pandemia se saludaban de beso en la mejilla, la decisión era más complicada todavía. Si el coronavirus te había tocado […]
Voces Consulares: An ideal home scene
By Alfonso Navarro-Bernachi On any given day, a woman, a mother of a family, serves food at her home. She is attentive and makes sure that nothing is missing and that those at the table have their food ready, even rushing to bring the next dish to those who have already finished the first. When […]
Unified Government Now Offering Free COVID-19 Boosters for 16- and 17-Year Olds in Wyandotte County
Now people living in Wyandotte County ages 16 and 17 who are at least six months out from their second dose of COVID-19 vaccine can get a free booster shot. This follows FDA authorization and recommendations from the CDC and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). Booster eligibility for 16- and 17-year-olds People ages 16 […]
La Columna de Jessica Piedra: Who’s eligible for a U Visa?
Better known as ‘U Nonimmigrant Status’, the U Visa protects victims of crimes occurring in the United States. Any undocumented person who has suffered substantial mental or physical abuse as a result of a serious crime and has assisted law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of the crime, may apply for a U […]
Remembering Bob Dole
In his pioneering personal development tome, Self Help; With Illustrations of Character and Conduct published in 1859, Scottish writer, Samuel Smiles noted, “Some men leave no memorial but a world made better by their lives.” Bob Dole of Kansas, who died Dec. 5, achieved both.The 98-year-old Russell native’s lengthy and many-sided résumé insinuates how the […]