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Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

How to keep social media from ruining your romantic relationships

A desire to be in the loop on social media keeps billions of people attached to their communication devices. A recent poll, for example, found that American adults would rather live without a car, coffee or sex than live without a smartphone. This attachment to social media has, in turn, affected people’s romantic relationships. It […]

WhatsApp to include ads in Status feature

By Tere Siqueira An app that has operated as an ad-free platform since its inception will soon begin displaying commercials. In 2019, commercials will begin appearing in the Status feature of WhatsApp, as multiple news agencies have reported. Launched in 2017 and inspired by the Snapchat app, WhatsApp Status allows users to share photos or […]

Technology providing new ways to be unfaithful

By Angie Baldelomar Technology has, undoubtedly, revolutionized how people live, including how they start and maintain romantic relationships. It also has created new ways to cheat when they’re in relationships. According to an article by the Washington Post, “digital cheating” or “remote infidelity” – that is, emotional cheating via social media or smartphone – is […]

How to protect your privacy online

Commentary by Chara Cyber-stalking and online identity theft happen more often than you might think. According to statistics from the Symantec Corp., a cyber-security company, more than 500 million digital identities were stolen in 2015 and digital scams increased by 200 percent. To protect your identity and privacy online, try the following tips: *Don’t reveal […]

Food delivery apps growing in popularity

By Katherine Diaz Food delivery apps have become must-haves for those consumers who want quick, hearty meals brought to their homes. In recent years, food delivery apps have grown in popularity. Several major food chains have noticed the positive reactions from customers and jumped on board to provide service via mobile apps. According to Gia […]

Facebook launching online dating platform

By Tere Siqueira On Tuesday (May 1), Facebook announced during its annual developer conference in San Jose, Calif., that it would add a dating feature to its social media website. According to CNN, users can set up dating profiles that won’t be visible to friends. The users won’t be matched with any of their current […]

Robots are putting human jobs at risk

Analysis by Tere Siqueira The field of robotics could potentially become the most disruptive technological change to human life since the Industrial Revolution. The reason for this is artificial intelligence. For now, artificial intelligence is designed to perform narrow tasks. But the long-term goal for many researchers is to create technology that will outperform humans […]

Remembering 2017: The year in science, medicine and health

Many scientific-, medicine- and health-related phenomena and discoveries made the news during 2017. Some of the memorable events and findings in science, medicine and health included the following: *The Great American Eclipse: On Aug. 21, millions of Americans experienced the first solar eclipse to create a coast-to-coast path of totality since 1918. *Farewell to the […]

How to avoid being tracked on Facebook: Part II of a Two-Part Series

In our Oct. 26 issue, we at Dos Mundos informed you how Facebook is tracking your activity and the kinds of information the social networking site has about you. In this issue, we’ll share some tips you can use to avoid being tracked on Facebook. Ways you can protect your information from Facebook include the […]

Social media used to save lives following earthquake

By Tere Siqueira For the second time in about a month, social media has served as a life-saving tool following a large-scale disaster. Following the Sept. 19 earthquake in Mexico, the hashtags #Sismocdmx and #FuerzaMexico (“Stay Strong Mexico” in Spanish) were used to save hundreds of victims. In addition, victims who were trapped under rubble […]