Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Videgaray reiterates Mexico’s refusal to pay for Trump’s border wall

President Trump continues to insist that Mexico will pay for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to curb undocumented immigration and drug trafficking-related violence. Mexico continues to insist that it won’t. Reacting to some Jan. 18 Twitter posts by Trump, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray posted a statement on Twitter, saying: “As the Mexican government […]

Be Prepared for Inclement Weather

When it comes to storms and hurricanes, you can never be too prepared. To keep your family safe, it’s important to prepare for the worst because once a hurricane or storm hits, action must be taken quickly. In the case of a power outage, a common side effect of natural disasters, one of the best […]

Venezuela’s cash crisis continues to run rampant

By Katherine Diaz The cash crisis in Venezuela continues to run rampant, media outlets are reporting. Millions of civilians are being affected by the South American country’s inflation. Moreover, most Venezuelans find it nearly impossible to withdraw money from banks. Venezuela’s economic crisis is years in the making, dating back to when the late Hugo […]

Wonderful World: Discover Machu Picchu

By Tom Sawyer Welcome tourists, in this edition we have to talk about the historic Peruvian sanctuary known as Machu Picchu, which in Spanish means “old mountain,” located 68 miles northeast of Cusco, Peru. It is part of the central mountain area of the Peruvian Andes. Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca city built in […]

Enrique Iglesias, denuncia a su compañia

Enrique Iglesias demanda a disquera, pues asegura que le incumplieron un contrato, y exige lo retribuyan económicamente. Iglesias interpuso una demanda en contra de Universal International Music, en la que indica que la empresa distorsionó los contratos firmados el perjuicio del pago a él, por la reproducción digital de sus canciones. El abogado de Iglesias, […]

Mexímetro 02.01.18

01/25/18 Una persona resultó con lesiones graves después de que su auto se volcara en Chihuahua. El hombre transitaba en la Ave. Teófilo Borunda cuando perdió el control de su auto. El hombre que manejaba a exceso de velocidad golpeó su auto contra un muro y después se volcó. El hombre fue llevado a un […]

Trump gives out inaugural “Fake News Awards”

By Tere Siqueira On Jan. 17, President Trump released his long-promised “Fake News Awards.” But the president encountered a few glitches in releasing his list of “recipients.” Posted on Trump’s Twitter page, the president shared his list via a link to the Republican National Committee’s website, GOP.com. However, when Trump first shared the tweet, the […]

How to involve your children in household chores

Commentary by Carey Juez-Perez, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Getting children involved in household chores is a great way to teach responsibility. By doing household chores, children learn the importance of contributing, helping others and developing independence. Here are a few factors you should consider in determining what chores your children should do: *Their ages: Typically, […]

Deportes y más deportes….02.02.18

Nueva franquicia de la MLS El lunes la MLS anunció su nueva franquicia que estará en Miami. La franquicia comandada por David Beckham se llamará Fútbol Miami MLS. El equipo primero hizo su presentación en varias cuentas de redes sociales y después organizó una ceremonia en donde dio a conocer la nueva develación del equipo. […]

Taylor Swift, recibe amenazas de muerte

El portal TMZ informó que un acosador presuntamente amenazó de muerte a Taylor Swift y a toda su familia. Frank Andrew Hoover mandó varios emails amenazando a la familia de correos de Taylor, El portal de espectáculos señala que Hoover envió varios correos entre mayo de 2015 y octubre de 2016, un mes antes de […]

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