Deportes y más deportes…. 02.24.22

Salida de Solari del América depende de próximo partidoLos malos resultados del América ya están pesando en el cuadro de Copa, se rumora que de no sacar un resultado favorable en el partido contra Pumas, Solari tendría un pie fuera de las Águilas. Después de caer ante Pachuca 1-3, se cree que Solari no dará […]
Area offers multiple resources for treating eating disorders

By Tere Siqueira Eating disorders affect people of all backgrounds and body types, including in the Kansas City area.In observance of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (Feb. 21-27), we at Dos Mundos offer the following counseling, treatment and recovery resources available to area residents: *The Eating Disorders Center at Children’s Mercy: The area’s only eating […]
Where to Find COVID Vaccinations in Wyandotte County

The Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) wants to remind Wyandotte County residents there are several locations where they can find free COVID vaccines. Free vaccinations are available for anyone 5 years or older, including booster shots for those 12 and older. Vaccinations are provided regardless of anyone’s immigration status, and no insurance is needed.UG […]
Jorge Ramos: AMLO y el abuso de poder

Fue el peor día en la presidencia de Andrés Manuel López Obrador.El viernes 11 de febrero el Presidente de México, por primera vez en sus tres años de gobierno, perdía el control de la conversación en el país.Ese día, en su conferencia de prensa, conocida como la Mañanera, López Obrador le pidió a uno de […]
Voces Consulares: #MiConsulado

By Adolfo Navarro-Bernachi This coming March 1, a new service for scheduling appointments, #MiConsulado, will begin operating at any of the 57 Mexican consulates in the United States and Canada. It will have a service capacity of 35,000 calls per day and 400 operators with working schedules from Monday to Sunday.From Kansas City to Boise, […]
Editorial: Women’s History Month

March is the month designated as Women’s History Month here in America since 1987. The 31-day celebration of women’s contributions to culture and society throughout history is finite in duration but not in ambition. The monthlong attention serves to invigorate permanent inclusion of women’s vital role in America in studies across the curriculum at all […]
NEDA launches eating disorder awareness campaign

By CharaOver the past few years, the number of people with eating disorders has increased.According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), roughly 30 million Americans (10 million men, 20 million women) will have an eating disorder at some point in life.To help fight such statistics, the NEDA is promoting NEDAAwareness Week. The week got […]
Eating disorder victims share their story

Jennifer Romo and Renata Lara know what it is like to fight an eating disorder. And as part of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (Feb. 21-27), the two are sharing their story with Dos Mundos.Lara still struggles with anorexia, a condition she was diagnosed with as a teen, she said. Although the situation is under […]
Sporting Kansas City ready for 2022

Story by Chara and photos by sportingkc.comWith the 2022 Major League Soccer (MLS) season about to start, many Sporting Kansas City fans are probably curious to see how the boys in blue will fare, especially because some key players are injured or have left the team.Alan Pulido is in the injured group. The Mexican-born attacker, […]