How to encourage your children to attend college

Commentary by Chara From 2000 to 2018, the rate of college enrollment increased from 63% to 69%, according to statistics from – and it is easy to understand why.A college education has many benefits, including personal growth and finding a stable job that provides career satisfaction. Thus, as a parent, it is important that you […]
María Marín: Cómo controlar “el Will Smith” que llevas por dentro

Me atrevo a decir que el actor Will Smith no durmió bien la noche ante de los Premios Oscar; dando vueltas en la cama y pensando en las palabras que él diría si finalmente lo llamaban a recibir el galardón más importante de la industria cinematográfica. Era su tercera nominación a mejor actor y como […]
Deportes y más deportes…. 04.07.22

Listos los grupos de la Liga de Naciones de la CONCACAFLa Concacaf realizó el sorteo de la Liga de Naciones que se jugará en junio de este año y marzo del 2023.México quedó ubicado en el Grupo A de la Liga A junto a Jamaica y Surinam. Costa Rica, Panamá y Martinica quedaron ubicados en […]
More Information on Second COVID-19 Booster Shots from the Unified Government Public Health Department

Last week the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it had authorized an additional booster dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine for older people and certain immunocompromised individuals. “This means that a second booster shot of protection against the COVID-19 virus is now available to populations at higher risk for a […]
How to Save Money at the Gas Pump: Part 2

By Donna Fuscaldo, AAR Driving less, running errands when you are commuting, and planning your outings to be more efficient can go a long way toward curbing your gas outlays. But it’s not just how many trips you make with your vehicle in a given day or week, it’s also how you drive your car. […]
Area offers multiple resources for child abuse

By Tere Siqueira In 2020, the child abuse rate for children of Hispanic origin was at 7.8, indicating 7.8 out of every 1,000 Hispanic children in the U.S. suffered from some sort of abuse. We at Dos Mundos offer the following counseling, treatment and recovery resources available to area residents:*Synergy Services- Children’s Advocacy Center: Synergy provides […]
How to prevent child abuse

Commentary by Chara Child abuse remains a serious problem in America.According to statistics from the organization Childhelp, in the United States, an average of five children die every day from abuse and neglect. To prevent and/or stop child abuse, use the following tips: *Know the signs: A child who is being abused is usually depressed, with […]
Jorge Ramos: Revocatorio que no revoca

En México todo está al revés. El próximo domingo 10 de abril se realizará un referendo para revocar el mandato de un presidente, que ha sido promovido por ese mismo presidente. Y buena parte de los opositores políticos del país, que en teoría serían los más interesados en impulsar un instrumento legal que les permita […]
Editorial: Sovereignty & peace for Ukraine

Seven weeks ago today, Russia invaded Ukraine. Despite deploying some 200,000 heavily armed troops and mercenaries, Russia has destroyed cities and civilians, but the world’s largest country has failed so far to take the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv and overthrow the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. And as of Monday, Ukrainian forces were reclaiming […]
DINKC connects his art to Mexican Culture

Viaje de un artista latino incluye la campaña desfile de corazones Parte I de una serie de dos partes Una campaña de arte y recaudación de fondos en toda el área está dando a un nativo del condado de Wyandotte, Kansas, la oportunidad de compartir su marca y presentar su trabajo a miles de transeúntes.La […]